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Showing posts from May, 2014

Atmel ATMEGA Development Board

A few week ago I bought 5 piece  of ATMEGA88-PU on second-hand market  ( cost was holly low about 0.3$/piece. I'm going to design and make my own arduino like development board for easy prototyping . I used Eagle Cad for designing the PCB and I used  toner transfer method for etching the PCB . Finally my first DIY PCB and my devboard for atmega88 is ready to go. This was the first prototype: Pin header for PORTB,PORTC and PORTD,ISP for Programing,GND and Vcc headers and Reset button 1 weeks later I realised some weaknesses: the power headers was broke I need to plug 2 usb device into my PC.A programer and an USB-Serial converter I can't see any heartbeat (onboard leds)  I pimped up my board with some goodness: Arduino bootloader for programing over UART (  thx  ) Extended Power headers  Onboard dual leds and voltage regulator The other stuff on the left side is USB to Serial converter from SonyEricsson USB Data cable. The full c

Ericson A1018 lcd interfacing

This article based on this page. Lcd chip: based on PCF8558 I created my own  CPU FAN controller for my PC because my cooler was generate a lot of noisy.I used this LCD to print out the temperature data and PWM duty in %. The LCD use standard I2C interface for communicating with other stuffs.You can find the pinouts on the linked site. You can find more details on my GITHUB: Here is some pic: